No one keeps your secrets as safe as you can, not even in the incognito mode. You always believe that incognito will keep your secrets, but guess what? Recently, GOOGLE itself admitted that even when you are using the incognito mode, your activity can be tracked! Too hard to understand? Well, then, let’s break this news into different parts!
What Incognito Mode Does?
Make your browsing history private: When you switch on your incognito mode, whatever website you visit won’t be shown in your Chrome history, which means people using the same device can’t see what websites you have been visiting. That’s the basic job of incognito mode.
Prevent cookies: Cookies are bits of data that every website stores on your device to remember you; when you switch on incognito mode or browse from it, incognito disables most of the cookies, which helps prevent websites from tracking you.
What Incognito Mode Does not Do
Make you vanish: Incognito mode does not make you completely invisible; the websites you have visited can still see your IP address, which works like your online fingerprint. It can track your activity easily.
Make Google stop watching you: You might feel surprised, but Google can still collect information about your activity even when you are browsing in incognito mode. This includes not only the activity but also the websites you have explored and the amount of time you have spent on them. This data can be used for advertising or for some other purposes.
Hide you from ISP: If you are connected to your school or work WIFI, and you browse through incognito mode, your employer or school ISP can see your activity, and he can also see your search history.
So, Why One Should Be Using Incognito Mode
You might wonder what actually is the use of incognito then? Well, incognito can still be used to keep your browsing history private from others who are using the same device. Also, it will help you to log in multiple times on the same website without any interference. Lastly, it will also help you to avoid unnecessary advertisements.
- If you want to keep your browsing history private, use private search engines instead of Google, such as DuckDuckGo.
- In order to keep your search history private, clean your search history and cookies more frequently.
- You can also install a privacy extension in order to get extra protection.
- Last but not the least consider using a VPN that will help you in giving more privacy.
You have to keep in mind that incognito mode is just to keep you a bit private; it is not something that will make you foolproof. You can browse confidently if you keep the limitations in mind and also use extra protection for privacy.