Business Ideas

naveen balkhi
Business Ideas

Unlocking Leadership Excellence: Insights from Naveen Balkhi, the Wonder Woman Coach

Naveen Balkhi is a Wonder Woman who coaches CEOs around the world.  “Whoever you are, old, young, female, male, healthy, or unhealthy, what...

Business Ideas

Pakistani Startup- BusCaro Secured the Funding of $1.5 Million in a Pre-Seed Funding Round

Read about BusCaro, the Pakistani startup securing $1.5 million in pre-seed funding. This funding showcases confidence in BusCaro's innovative transportation solution, aiming to...

Ahmed Rauf Essa
Business Ideas

Laughing in the Face of Adversity: Ahmed Rauf Essa – Telemart Titan, Comedy Maestro, and Pakistan’s E-commerce Luminary!

Introduction: Ahmed Rauf Essa is the co-founder of Telemart, which is one of the biggest e-commerce platforms in Pakistan. Furthermore, he is also...

Business Ideas

Unstoppable Journey of Jehan Ara From Challenges to Triumphs

In the tech world, where men have historically dominated business, the rise of successful businesswomen is a testament to resilience, innovation, and determination....

Business Ideas

Mark Your Calendars – Zindagi Prize National Finals on November 15th 

Are you ready to witness the biggest night of the startup world of Pakistan? Save the date, as the Zindagi Prize national finals...

how to build a software- house in pakistan
Business Ideas

How To Build a Software House in Pakistan Step by Step

How To Build a Software House in Pakistan Step by Step – Pakistan is an economic hub for various types of businesses to...

business ideas in pakistan
Business Ideas

10 Top Business Ideas in Pakistan For Young Entrepreneurs

Pakistan’s business field is a bright landscape that is constantly evolving. Young entrepreneurs are creating new paths, driving innovation, and coming up with...